Holidays and Celebrations 2012 – Marketing Calendar. 5 Tips Included!

    by Paul Shuteyev
    Hey guys, Tomorrow is the St.Valentine's Day - day of love for all the lovers and the challenge for the marketers. If a marketer is in love, then it's a double challenge, huh! :) Today I want to post a Holiday and Celebration calendar of 2012, originally published by GetResponse. This calendar is made to help marketers to plan all kind of promotional activities - all the holidays, events and celebrations are divided by months, seasons, etc. You will find the calendar below, but now I want to provide you with few tips that will help you to run any holiday/event campaign: 1. There are a lot of holidays each season or month - choose wisely, it's not necessary to run your marketing campaigns for all of them. Choose the right event and make sure your customers and leads fit this holiday - it may depend on the culture or some global events. 2. Don't just always sell. Sometimes it's better to run giveaway or contest campaign. Just for example - you can arrange a giveaway campaign for the younger users on the 1st of the September. 3. Personalize. Always. 4. Plan all the event campaigns in advance. Sometimes it takes few weeks to prepare a good marketing campaign for 1-day holiday. 5. People feel happy during the holidays - use this situation to build your list or offer them something in addition. Marketing Calendar: 2012-marketing-events-calendar
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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