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    Digital Marketing Spending – Statistics 2010, Forecasts 2011

    by Paul Shuteyev
    Hi friends, Here are statistics on digital marketing spending in 2010. Some $154.4 billion was spent on direct and digital advertising in 2010, up 2.7% over 2009 levels. Of that amount, digital spending accounted for $27.7 billion, driven by search and targeted display advertising: * Search spending accounted for 56.3% of digital spending in 2010, reaching $15.6 billion, up 6.4% from 2009 levels. * Display accounted for 33.6% of digital in 2010, reaching $9.3 billion, up 10.7%. * Email marketing accounted for 5.1% of digital, reaching $1.4 billion, up 8.6%. * Mobile accounted for 3.2% of digital, reaching $0.9 billion in spending, up 30.8%. * Social apps and widgets, and listening platforms, together accounted for 1.4% of digital spending, reaching $0.4 billion, up 5.4%. * Lead generation spending accounted for 0.7% of digital, reaching $0.2 billion, up 5.5%. US direct and digital advertising expenditures are forecast to reach $163.9 billion in 2011, up 6.2% from 2010 levels, according to a report from the Winterberry Group. Of that total, digital spending is expected to reach $31.6 billion, up 14.0% from the previous year.

    Digital Marketing Spending 2010-2011

    Digital Marketing Spending 2010-2011

    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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