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    Top 5 Tips to Make your Email Call-2-Action Better

    by Paul Shuteyev
    call-2-action-sign-girl-shoutingHey guys,
    Hope you're doing great! As you know, call-2-action is the most precious part of email marketing campaigns. I would like to provide you with Top 5 tips on how to make your email call-2-action better. This will be about verbs, style, visual appearance, customers' attention and more. By the way, many of email marketing software allow to automate the insertion of call-2-actions
    and also allow to easily edit them, for example  - the newest Atomic Mail Sender. Please enjoy the Top 5 tips below!


    1.Verbs you're using
    Keep the verbs short and easy to understand, such as read, contact, click. Make your idea impossible to misunderstand. Also, don't distract your leads by using nouns and adjectives that describe them - don't waste their time, your potential customers know who you're talking to. Just stay short and confident.
    2. Better Show, don't just tell
    It's a lie that your leads and subscribers know what to do - don't simply ask them to do something, but tell and show how to accomplish whatever you're telling them to do. Your email message and call to action should look perfect. Make your call-2-action extra visible, as it's more exciting to click large colorful button than a regular HTML link. Don't give your leads a chance to excuse themselves from clicking your call-2-action -  make your call-2-action as much visible, informative and trusty as you can. Be sure to include all necessary information, features, guides and other info that may help your leads to make a decision.
    3. Catch them!
    The attention span of the average lead is less than a minute long. That means you have just seconds to catch their attention, and this can be achieved with a catch-phrase. Good subject line and the intro of the email is the best way to make yourself memorable. Remember, your catch-phrase should be really interesting to your susbcribers, it may be a discount, special offer, advanced techniques, etc.
    4. Use digits
    People are really impressed by statistics, digits and other proofs. Sure you can fabricate one, but if you can find a valid statistics, use it to lead your customers into your call-2-action. You can use statistics to make yourself look more stable and confident, like "95% of our customers ask for more..." or "we've already served 3,000 companies this year".
    5. Style and grammar
    Keep your language unedrstandable, make your main info (features, discounts, offers) visible. Also don't use many technicalk terms, and don't be boring. Be friendly, don't be too smart, you know :)
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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