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    Why Social Bookmarking Works Best? Top 99 list!

    by Paul Shuteyev

    Advantages of social bookmarks

    * storing key links on the net vs. on a local computer - allows access from any machine at any time, e.g. the local library (old hat, Backflip did this too) * a fast and very effective way to keep track of stuff - this means you are not waiting for the Google spider to visit any longer. You can get a RSS ping as soon as a link is added. * examining tags per link, gives you a feel for how the rest of the world sees things vs. your private ontology. * using a 'secret' group tag allows group members to alert each other of key links - a pull rather than e-mail push mechanism. * applying 'flat' tags (single words) is far more flexible than operating within a hierarchy of folders (facetted classification). * monitoring 'new' links on the delicious 'front page' or 'popular' page gives a feel for breaking news.

    Top 33!

    1. www.aboutus.org 2. www.activerain.com 3. www.aeonity.com 4. www.autospies.com 5. www.ballhype.com 6. www.betamarker.com 7. www.bibsonomy.org 8. www.blog.co.uk 9. www.bloghop.com 10. www.blogetery.com 11. www.blogmarks.net 12. www.blogmemes.net 13. www.blogowogo.com 14. www.blogsome.com 15. www.blogster.com 16. www.blogspot.com 17. www.bmaccess.net 18. www.bumpzee.com 19. www.buzzflash.net 20. www.clearblogs.com 21. www.clipmarks.com 22. www.clipclip.org 23. www.complore.com 24. www.connectedy.com 25. www.connotea.org 26. www.creamaid.com 27. www.digg.com 28. www.dotnetkicks.com 29. www.dzone.com 30. www.easyjournal.com 31. www.electionlogs.com 32. www.ezinearticles.com 33. www.faves.com .... .... .... Get Top 99 by subscribing via e-mail! Subscribe to get weekly bonuses for  free!!!
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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