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    Google’s Friend Connect 2009 – a Widget or a Service?

    Google’s Friend Connect generated a lot of buzz in the market as soon as it was launched as private beta (do not doubt Google’s brand value). Very few people could actually play with it in the initial days. However, now, it is available for installation on your website or blog. But, what does it really have for a novice blogger who can barely put his thoughts in a WYSIWYG editor (undoubtedly the majority)! Simply nothing. Why Google’s Friend Connect (FC) has nothing to offer me in its present state? …

    Google Pagerank And You

    At some point, I’m sure you’ve heard of Google Pagerank (or PR). What you may not understand is why it matters to your website. Google is, of course, the leading search engine on the internet. As a result, once your website or blog is indexed, it will more than likely become the largest source of “natural” traffic. At least, if you play the game correctly. Pagerank is Google’s “grade” of your website, ranging from zero to ten. The higher the number, the better your PR. Google’s algorithms compute this score using a variety of measures, but general consensus is that […]

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