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    Email Marketing Glossary

    What is a cold email? Definition and importance

    Cold emailing is another way to spread the word about your services and products. This type of outreach campaign has some challenges that you might not use for the first time. But if you do it right, cold emailing will be a great tool for you. In this article, we’ll give you the answers to the questions: «What is a cold email?» and «How do I use it effectively in my outreach?» What Is A Cold Email? A cold email is an unsolicited email you send to your potential prospects. It is not the same as spamming and does not […]

    What are SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records for emails?

    The Internet was designed as a closed military network, over time the network became open, miscalculations surfaced, the result of which is DOS attacks, DNS name spoofing, worms, spam and much more. These are all realities of today’s Internet, as well. The sender policy framework is just one of the attempts to fix the situation. So, if you use email explorer, you understand that modern SPF is more about the protection of the email recipients from spam attacks. How does SPF record work? What are spf records? SPF (Sender Policy Framework) is a DNS spf records containing a list of […]

    What is an email marketing autoresponder?

    Most of us have an automatic email responder on our landline and mobile phones. But few people have such a function configured for bulk email alongside email hunter or email verifier. In this case this is not just a user notification that the letter has been received, it is also a great way to promote your service, product, website, etc. This time using an automated email responder for email marketing is an issue in question.  What are email autoresponders used for? Usually, the autoresponder for email is activated when the subscriber does not respond for a long time or is unavailable. The […]

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