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    credit card

    Modern Credit Score Myths and Facts

    Your credit score is an integral part of your financial life and financial success. It is important that you understand what it’s all about. Lenders, landlords, insurers, utility companies and even employers look at your credit score like girls look at your shoes and your car. It is derived from what’s in your credit reports, and it ranges between 300 and 850. Yet, according to a survey that was recently conducted, nearly half of all Americans don’t know how these scores are derived or even what factors are used to come up with them. For example, if your credit score […]

    Credit Card Techniques 2009: Tricks and Tips

    Credit cards can be considered to be one of the many basic necessities of the modern world. Credit cards are available nowadays in abundance.  One type of credit card specifically is the so-called 0% APR credit card. 0% APR credit cards were introduced in the late 1980’s and to this day has still proven to be one of the most sought-after credit card types available anywhere.  As with all credit card types, there are a certain tips and tricks surrounding 0% APR credit cards that all potential card applicants should be made aware of. With the help of a 0% […]

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