Schedule Email Sending - Manual

    The guides collected here will help you with various software questions.


    Scheduling email delivery

    A message can be scheduled for delayed delivery. Use the

    • "Message"
    • "Schedule email delivery"

    command to create a new task. A new dialog box pops up where you can specify when and how the message will be delivered.

    Set the time and the way of delivering in the current dialog window.

    You should specify the date/time of the project to be sent.

    “Send once” — make an one-time delivery with Atomic Mail Sender.

    “Send mail weekly” — send the e-mails every week for chosen weekdays.

    If you select the “Send mail every [ __ ] days” checkbox, Atomic Mail Sender will send this message periodically.

    Option “Resend failed every [___] hours” will resend failed emails again and again until all mail is sent.

    Arter delivering (additional options):

    “Run program” — after sending mail to all recipients Atomic Mail Sender will run the specified program.

    “Shut down computer” — after sending mail to all recipients your computer will be turned off.

    It’s important! You may need some administrator rights to turn it off. In some cases, the computer cannot be shut down successfully.

    Scheduled projects:

    To see the list of currently scheduled projects, use the “Service” / “Scheduled projects” command in Atomic Mail Sender. It opens a new dialog box with the list of scheduled projects. You can add new tasks, activate or edit them or delete existing tasks there.

    It’s important! You should edit message properties (the recipient list) for scheduling email delivering.

    Search by manual
    • Inserting the text
      • Merge data
        • Inserting a link
      • Spin text
      • Random text
      • Random words
    • About the program
      • Introducing the AMS
      • AMS online
      • Main window
      • Using a command line
      • Restoring after crash
    • Settings
      • Program settings
      • SMTP Wizard
      • Interface language
      • HELO address
      • Default message properties
    • Work with the project
      • New project
      • Save project
      • HTML templates
      • Schedule the delivery
    • Message editor
      • Insert a table
      • Insert social icons
      • Unsubscribe function
      • Spam check
      • Message editor
      • Random picture
    • Recipient list
      • Recipient list
      • Find dialog
      • Unsubscribe the recipients
      • Extract email addresses
    • Sending mail
      • Message properities
      • Send test mail
      • Delivery
      • Reports
    • Monitoring
      • Tracking email messages
      • Google Analytics
      • Bounce Analyzer
    • About errors
      • Messages are not sent
      • Messages sent, but not received
    • How to…
      • Send mail
      • Personalize the mailing
      • Send mail anonimousely
      • Generate new mailing list
      • Find SMTP- server
      • Track the delivery
      • Keyboard shortcuts
    • Contacts
      • Troubleshooting
      • Atomic Mail Sender registration
      • Updating the software
      • Lost registration data
    If you have any problems or other
    questions please contact us. Thank you!