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    9 Secret Email Marketing Tips

    by Paul Shuteyev

    Email Marketing Opportunities

    Email Marketing Opportunities

    1. Email marketing is not hard. I know it seems complicated, but with email marketing software like Atomic Email Studio, creating professional emails is really easy.

    2. You don’t need to know HTML. Again, programs like Atomic Email Studio make it easy for dummies to create gorgeous templates (I mean, I make them, so come on, they can’t be that hard). I actually don’t like it when a client wants to complicate it and makes me use HTML. Me ‘n HTML don’t get along so well.

    3. The best days to send emails are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Why? Because on Mondays people are bombarded with email and are likely to delete yours. On Fridays everyone wants to play hooky, so they don’t want to read your stinkin’ email.

    4. Emails don’t have to be blatant sales pitches. I actually like the people I email, so I like to send useful articles about marketing to them. Things that they will find helpful, but also things that will remind them how super smart I am when it comes to marketing.

    5. There is a way to target your list. I HATE untargeted email lists. I don’t buy lists. But if you start slow, you can ensure you send your emails to people who actually kind of care. And might buy from you.

    6. Not every email is spam. You can get good results from email marketing (as long as you’re not slimy about it). Email is a great way to inform people about your product if done correctly.

    7. You can track your results. Email programs like (ahem) Atomic Email Studio (I’m sorry. I just really like them and haven’t found anything better) let you see how many people opened an email, how many clicked on a link and how many unsubscribed. You can try different days, times and subject lines to see which get the best results.

    8. Email marketing isn’t dead. Thousands of marketers still earn thousands of dollars by just using email marketing techniques. Email is a great way to reach a wider audience. Email marketing will not die, it's just converting to another forms of direct marketing like audio-video podcasts, presentations - it's all can be delivered by email.

    9. Email marketing can save you thousands of dollars. Compared to other forms of internet advertising, email is cheap. So save your money on the ad in the Wall Street Journal and consider emailing a targeted list of future customers.

    Atomic Email Studio - a email marketing central combining best

    selling programs for e-mail marketing.

    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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