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    Popular Statistics about Email Marketing Campaigns

    by Paul Shuteyev
    • Popular Statistics

      Popular Statistics

      • If email was a country its 1.4 billion populations would make it the largest in the World, bigger than China, bigger than the populations of the USA and European Union combined.
      • 247 billion emails are sent each day. That's one email every 0.00000035 seconds.
      • In the time that it takes you to read this sentence some 20 million emails have already entered cyberspace.
      • Every second the World email users produce messages equivalent in size to over 16,000 copies of the Complete Works of Shakespeare (assuming a 30KB average email size).
      • $13.4 billion. This is the number of direct marketing dollars forecasted to be spent related to email in the US in 2009.
      • $583 billion. The return from that investment if you use DMA figures on email marketing ROI. That's four times of Microsoft’s market value.
      • 181. The number of effective marketing emails that need to be sent in order to buy one share of Microsoft.
      • 83,689,738,832,367. The number of marketing emails that need to produce enough revenue to pay the U.S. National Debt.
    When you see email stats like this you may appreciate the work of companies that manage email campaigns. Every email is important. Atomic Email Studio – the cornerstone of your email marketing campaigns!
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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