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    Save Money Using Internet: 4 Hot Techniques

    by Paul Shuteyev
    From work to play, much of our time is spent on the internet. Here are a few easy techniques to use the web to save money on some of your everyday tasks. 1. Going to the Movies Night at the movies for family of four: $60.00 Cost of 8 movies per year (national average): $480.00 Cost of 1 movie per month for a year: $720.00 SOLUTION: Utilize the high-speed Internet you already pay for to download free movies or to rent movies at a lower cost. POTENTIAL SAVINGS: $480.00 – $720.00 per year 2. Telecommuting Price for a gallon of gas (current average): $1.81 Average American’s commute: 16 miles Average car mileage: 19.8 miles per gallon Cost of driving to and from work for a year: $781.60 SOLUTION: Utilize the high-speed Internet you already pay for to work from home (telecommute) 1 to 5 days per week. POTENTIAL SAVINGS: $152.36 – $781.60 per year 3. Pay Your Bills Online Percent of U.S. bills still paid by check: 31% Internet-using households – number of bills received per month: 11 Yearly cost of stamps if all 11 bills are paid by check/mail: $55.44 Average time spent writing checks in a year: 24-48 hours SOLUTION: Utilize the high-speed Internet you already have to pay all bills online. POTENTIAL SAVINGS: $55.44 a year in dollars, 1-2 days in free time and 6.6 lbs. of paper reducing impact on environment. 4. Bundle Phone/Internet/TV/Wireless Average savings from bundling 3 products: $15.00 per month Average savings from bundling 4 products: $20.00 per month Average savings from bundling 5 products: $25.00 per month SOLUTION: Bundle services you need like Internet, TV, home phone and wireless together to save, all from one provider. POTENTIAL SAVINGS: $180.00 – $300.00 per year TOTAL POTENTIAL YEARLY IMPACT: $867.80 – $1857.04; plus 1-2 days in free time and 6.6 lbs. of paper reducing impact on environment.
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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