
    The guides collected here will help you with various software questions.


    Main window Atomic Email Sender

    The main window of the program contains four parts:


    Use toolbars for the fast access to frequently used commands.

    Main toolbar:

    Editor tool

    This tool is available only for "HTML message". To know more about the editor tool, see "Message editor".

    Working area

    There can be "Message editor" or "Send Mail Monitor" in the working area. Message editing allows working with both text and HTML messages. "Send Mail Monitor" gives an opportunity to control the process of the current delivery, find the number of messages that were sent, of those that were received and of the failed messages; you can pause, stop and restart the delivery.

    Status bar

    The status bar shows the current status of the program and the number of recipients in the mailing list.

    Main menu


    • New — create a new blank message
    • New message from Templates  — browse the templates to create a new message
    • Open —  open  an existing message
    • Load from WWW — create a new message and   load an HTML page from the Web.
    • Save  —  save  the current message
    • Save as…  —  save the current message to a new file
    • Save as a new template — save the current message as a template. Then you can use it again in "File" "New message from templates".
    • Print  —   print the message
    • Exit  —   close Atomic Mail Sender


    • Undo — cancel the last action (in the editor)
    • Redo — repeat the last action (in the editor)
    • Cut — cut the text from the editor to the clipboard
    • Copy — copy the text to the clipboard
    • Paste — paste the text from the clipboard
    • Delete — delete the selected part of the message
    • Select all — select the entire message in the editor
    • Find — search the text


    • File — attach a file to the message
    • Configure ASM project —  create a project  for unsubscribing
    • Hyperlink — insert a clickable   hyperlink
    • Picture — insert an image (it will be embedded into the message)
    • Table — insert a new   table
    • Horizontal rule — insert a horizontal rule
    • HTML code — insert or paste HTML code from the clipboard to embed it into the message
    • Facebook link — insert a clickable   Facebook link
    • Twitter link — insert a clickable   Twitter link
    • Unsubscribe link — insert a link for   unsubscribing
    • E-mail merge data
    • 1. { } Spin text  —   insert a text  into the message

      2. Actual data — insert a special tag that will be replaced with the actual date during the delivery process

      3. Actual time — insert a special tag that will be replaced with the actual time during the delivery process

      4. Random text — insert a tag that will be replaced with   randomly generated text

      5. Random word — insert a tag that will be replaced with a   random word  from the list

      6. Sender name — insert a tag that will be replaced with the name of the sender (i. e. your name)

      7. Sender email — insert a tag that will be replaced with the email address of the sender (i. e. your address)

      8. Sender company name — insert a tag that will be replaced with the company name of the sender (if any)

      9. Email address — insert a tag which will be replaced with the recipient’s email address

      10. User name — insert a tag that will be replaced with the recipient’s name (selected from the list)


    • Main toolbar — show or hide the main toolbar
    • Editor toolbar — show or hide the editor toolbar
    • Status bar — show or hide the status bar



    • Style
    • Bold — make the selected text bold

      Italic — make the selected text italic

      Underline — underline the selected text

      Foreground color — change the color of the selected text

    • Alignment
    • Left — change the paragraph alignment to left

      Center — change the paragraph alignment to center

      Right — change the paragraph alignment to right

    • HTML Message — convert the message to the HTML format
    • Plain text message — convert the message to the text format (some formatting data can be lost!)
    • Background
    • Picture — use an image as a background

      Solid color — change the color of the message background

      Clear background —delete the current background


    • Common settings — change the  main settings  of the program
    • Internet settings ー change the settings of the Internet connection (it is the Control Panel applet)
    • Change language —  change  the interface language  of the program
    • Random words — edit the groups of  random words
    • SMTP Wizard — change the settings of the  SMTP server



    • Contents — open the "User’s Manual"
    • How to:
    • 1. Merge e-mail data — look through the necessary article in the "User’s Manual"

      2. Personalize e-mail — look through the necessary article in the "User’s Manual"

      3. Unsubscribe users — look through the necessary article in the "User’s Manual"

      4. Track who reads my newsletter — look through the necessary article in the "User’s Manual"

    • Web site — open the official site of Atomic Mail Sender
    • Registration —  register  your copy of the program
    • Customer support — open the  "Customer Support"  section of our site.
    • Check for updates — check for the new versions of Atomic Mail Sender. We recommend you to update it regularly because the SMTP protocols may change and the old versions of Atomic Mail Sender may work incorrectly.

    • About  —   brief   information about the program version
    Search by manual
    • Inserting the text
      • Merge data
        • Inserting a link
      • Spin text
      • Random text
      • Random words
    • About the program
      • Introducing the AMS
      • AMS online
      • Main window
      • Using a command line
      • Restoring after crash
    • Settings
      • Program settings
      • SMTP Wizard
      • Interface language
      • HELO address
      • Default message properties
    • Work with the project
      • New project
      • Save project
      • HTML templates
      • Schedule the delivery
    • Message editor
      • Insert a table
      • Insert social icons
      • Unsubscribe function
      • Spam check
      • Message editor
      • Random picture
    • Recipient list
      • Recipient list
      • Find dialog
      • Unsubscribe the recipients
      • Extract email addresses
    • Sending mail
      • Message properities
      • Send test mail
      • Delivery
      • Reports
    • Monitoring
      • Tracking email messages
      • Google Analytics
      • Bounce Analyzer
    • About errors
      • Messages are not sent
      • Messages sent, but not received
    • How to…
      • Send mail
      • Personalize the mailing
      • Send mail anonimousely
      • Generate new mailing list
      • Find SMTP- server
      • Track the delivery
      • Keyboard shortcuts
    • Contacts
      • Troubleshooting
      • Atomic Mail Sender registration
      • Updating the software
      • Lost registration data
    If you have any problems or other
    questions please contact us. Thank you!