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    Atomic List Manager

    Atomic List Manager 6.20
    • Fixed the “out of memory” error when importing a text file larger than 200 MB.
    • Fixed import of contacts from a file containing unsupported characters.
    • Minor bugs fixed.
    • Optimization of the program installer.
    Atomic List Manager 6.01
    • Data export was improved
    Atomic List Manager 6.00
    • Improved update check function
    • Added Latvian language
    • Improved and optimized export data
    • Improved user interface
    • Quick selection of all the lists in the \”Unite\”, the \”Intersection\” and the \”Subtract many\” options was added
    • New option to remove suspicious addresses according to signal strings filters was added (“Remove if email address contains/ NOT contains”)
    • The \”Subtraction\” option was fixed
    • Export to Atomic Mail Sender was fixed
    • Minor localization improvements
    Atomic List Manager 5.06
    • The errors while importing results from other Atomic programs were fixed.
    • Text files import error (the ill-defined character encoding) was fixed.
    Atomic List Manager 5.03
    • \”Range check error\” fixed, it used to appear when importing a list from a text file where not all columns were filled
    Atomic List Manager 5.00
    • Removal of duplicate emails. Now duplicate emails in the list are shown in a separate list.
    • Support for lists where email addresses are not in the first column
    • Software menu rearranged
    • A button for checking for updates is added to the Help menu
    • A special export component is used for saving lists
      domain zones menu improved. Editing and display of a list is changed.
    • \”Fix domains\” feature now can detect a domain zone by a part of it.
    • Export\” tab now has \”Export wizard\”
    • Copying to clipboard bug fixed
    • Removing duplicates fixed
    • Removing suspicious emails feature improved. Popular prefixes for the address line are supported now.
    • Fixed encodings error when sending lists from List Manager to Mail Sender
    • Fixing emails feature improved
    • Highlighting all elements of the list with Ctrl+A is added
    • Localization and translation errors fixed
    • Export errors fixed
    • \”Remove emails with double symbols\” option is removed from \”Remove suspicious\” feature
    Atomic List Manager 3.30
    • Some errors with software localization have been fixed
    • Errors in processing some operations have been fixed
    Atomic List Manager 3.00
    • Windows Vista support
    • New tabbed user interface
    • Support of import lists from Excel, Access, DBF and export lists to Excel, Access, DBFFast data access to
    • Connection with other Atomic program for fast data access (import and export)
    • Multilingual version
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