Email marketing – still influential?

    by Serge
    Hey guys, I hope you are doing well. Today I would like to talk about the current state of email marketing. Throughout markets and brands, the significance of email marketing has become undeniable. Despite newfangled marketing trends, email takes up a significant proportion of Internet marketing channels. Email is still the main influence on the buying process compared to blogs, social media, and mobile applications, according to the latest report provided by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). email vs social media To obtain this data, two simultaneous studies of marketing executives and consumers in the United Kingdom and the United States were launched. These studies showed that often, marketers do not have a complete picture of consumer preferences regarding interaction with brands, the decision-making process, and what consumers think about privacy. Consumers prefer email to other communication channels: - Consumers use social media to find out about promotions (62%), but the initial product introduction is preferable via company websites (51%), independent sites (19%), and emails (19%). This data refers to young consumers as well. Young people (20-30 years old) prefer email (19%) as a product engagement tool over social media (5%) and blogs (2%). initial to product Consumers prefer customized information to personalized information To better understand the data given below, let’s define “customization” and “personalization”. Personalization is the process of using implicit interests and learning a customer’s preferences based on his or her actions. Customization means that a consumer explicitly specifies what he or she wants. My Yahoo is a good example of customization, while Amazon offers an example of personalization. - Consumers confirm the increase of personalized messages over the past five years. - The majority of consumers are now so accustomed to personalized emails that they unconsciously overlook the personalization. - Personalized data remains one of the leading marketing strategies, despite the fact that only 14% of consumers are willing to read personalized emails. - Despite this glut of personalized data, consumers do not refuse to receive customized information. personalized content static Breach of privacy And one of the most important things that must be considered when planning an email marketing campaign is user data privacy. About 21% of users are concerned about privacy information contained in email correspondence, and 39% of users are concerned about tracking cookies. Users are very concerned about the privacy of their information stored in marketing databases.
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