Mobile marketing trends 2014

    by Serge

    In our previous article we have analyzed email marketing trends for the upcoming year. We cannot ignore such an important marketing sphere as a mobile marketing. With the growth of the smartphones market the impact of mobile marketing is becoming more and more evident. Related technologies are changing all over the place and what was relevant two years ago, will be an anachronism in the nearest future.

    So to succeed in internet marketing we need to constantly adapt to a changing technological world. Here are few facts about the use of smartphones, proving the significance of mobile marketing:

    • 50% of all the mobile searches lead to purchase
    • 70% of online searches lead to action in one month
    • 46% of consumers will not return to a website that doesn’t work properly on their smartphones
    • 91% of smartphone owners have their phone within an arms reach 24/7
    • The average response time to an email is 90 minutes
    • The average response time to a text message is 90 seconds
    • Mobile internet usage is expected to overtake desktop internet usage by 2014

    This data means that reaching users become easier and marketers can apply maximum flexibility within their marketing strategies.

    Mobile-friendly content is a MUST

    The matter of choice between a website mobile version and a responsive website design would have taken a separate topic. The one thing is obvious, that a user must get a positive user experience while engaging with your content. Otherwise businesses that don’t care about that will likely face clients loss. Mobility must be a top priority within a brand’s advertising strategy. A line of new gadgets is expected to be released in the nearest future.

    Mobile advertising

    Alongside with new smartphones, tablets and of course Google Glass there will be new options and formats for mobile advertising. Mobile search advertising market is expected to grow by 52% next year. Banner advertising is expected to grow by 50% next year.

    Advertisers will have to develop completely different strategies for mobile advertising. As for the advertising formats, Cost-Per-Engagement and Cost-Per-View will dominate here pushing out Cost-Per-Mille as insufficiently effective.

    Smartphones provide new options for offline businesses and this trend will evolve in 2014. Starbucks has adopted the mobile payments and 10% of all payments are processed through their mobile application. This means that businesses who have mobile apps can embed ecommerce functionality to their apps and thereby provide additional functionality to their consumers such as cross promotion of some products or the provision of store locator functionality. Another innovative mobile marketing strategy from Starbucks allows buying a coffee for a friend via Twitter. This is a great example of engagement strategy, that will effectively involve consumers.


    Geo-location services such as Foursquare will continue evolving. This sphere will be diversified. Here are some trends:

    New places to find – this type of applications will help finding interesting places nearby. Geo-social apps will help to share content with geo-tags, so that it would be available only for friends located nearby.

    Travel apps – these apps can provide advices from locals so that you can avoid the pitfalls when visiting a new place.

    Shopping apps provide you discounts for simply entering a specific store.

    Mobile video

    Mobile video is going to evolve as well. The development of micro videos within such companies as Instagram and Vine removed all the barriers for small businesses to produce short viral advertising videos.

    Here are some predictions and we will find out in the nearest future if they come true.

    Now, there are all kinds of things you can do to make use of ever growing popularity of mobile devices, but if you are an email marketer, it might seem that mobile marketing isn't exactly your area of expertise. Well, it's not exactly true - one way for email marketers to adapt to the current marketing trends is to make their html email templates responsive. While email responsiveness doesn't equal web responsiveness, there are tricks that can help you make your email look much better on both mobile and desktop devices. So you can still be an email marketer and use bulk email sender for sending mobile-friendly emails.

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