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    e-Marketing Trick: Use sounds!

    by Paul Shuteyev

    Future of Internet Marketing- Emerging Trends

    According to trend watchers of Internet Marketing, the near future will see websites getting more personalized as they cater to niche markets and consumers. Internet marketing through audio newsletters will become a more convenient tool for the target audience. An audio file can be placed with an html code easily. Herein the experts also foresee enhanced usage of podcasts, personalized and interactive audio newsletters and WebPages. 2007-09-04t21_52_04-07_00.jpg

    How Does Audio Work

    If you are selling products and services on your website, you can simply add audio onto your sales letter. People tend to retain sounds more readily in their memory than the material they read. Reading material is cold and impersonal, whereas well-spoken words are warmer and more personal. It is easier to influence your prospective customers through your audio.


    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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