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    SMS Marketing 2010 – 4 Steps to Measure SMS Marketing Campaign

    by Paul Shuteyev
    Being able to gauge the success of any SMS marketing campaign is critical. In order to measure any SMS campaign, there are four basic steps that should be followed: Set your objectives [What are you trying to achieve with the campaign?] Determine the measurement criteria [Will this be sales, responses, calls received etc.] Decide on a benchmark [How are you going to compare your success? – against prior campaigns, competition?] Select the right measurement tools to achieve what you have decided you need to achieve! An effective method of tracking the response to a particular SMS message or SMS Marketing campaign is to include a text token within the message or some form of call to action. Recipients can then exchange or redeem the token or voucher in some way. Alternative forms of calls to action are providing a number and a prompt to call (IVR lines can add to revenue streams), prompts email, visit a store etc. etc. For example, a night club might send a message via SMS to each of its patrons, informing them that showing this at the door with earn them free entry. The one drawback of this mechanism is that SMS messages can be forwarded – which means that you would never know whether or not the messages shown at the door are the original ones which were sent out. A solution to this particular problem is to send each recipient a unique number that may then be tied back to track which particular recipients respond to your messaging.
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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