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    Email Marketing

    How to find email addresses quickly

    Collecting mailing lists via email hunting is the first thing you need to do to get started with your email marketing campaigns. You may scrap contacts from a wide variety of places: websites, forums, databases, your mailbox, computer, etc. Here it is important to find the contacts whose owners will be potentially interested for the offer. What is website scraping? Website scraping, data extraction, or web harvesting is gathering data for websites on set parameters. The web scraping software may directly search and access the information under the user’s control or automatically, selecting new or updated data and storing it […]

    How can I extract contact information from websites?

      In the case you need to add contacts to your existing contact base, phone number extractor will come in handy alongside other number extraction solutions for effective email marketing that may help to collect contact information from websites. How to get contacts from web pages   Web scraping tools are designed to extract, collect any public information from websites. These resources are needed when you need to quickly receive and store any data from the web in a structured form. Collect contact information from web pages with the help of Atomic solutions. Step-by-step guide to hunting contacts with Atomic […]

    How to track email campaign in Google Analytics

    When you start sending email campaigns, what kind of result do you run for? Do you want to monitor who receives and reads your message… or want to track clicks, sales, and conversions generated by newsletter? There are lots of metrics to choose from. We want to tell you the easy way of email tracking step by step using Google Analytics, the most popular service for monitoring and tracking email campaigns.

    What is an email list

      Compared to simple messaging, email marketing services allow you to organize different informational interactions with internet users. The most famous example of this interaction is email lists. An email list is a named list of subscribers’ mailing addresses made to promote mass mailing of letters, usually corresponding to a certain subject. The email list name is a virtual collective of mailing addresses: messages directed to these addresses are delivered to all members. Internet users have the opportunity to join the mailing list they are interested in (subscribing). After registration of the subscription email list, the user will receive materials […]

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    How to track email campaign in Google Analytics

    When you start sending email campaigns, what kind of result do you run for? Do you want to monitor who receives and reads your message… or want to track clicks, sales, and conversions generated by newsletter? There are lots of metrics to choose from. We want to tell you the easy way of email tracking step by step using Google Analytics, the most popular service for monitoring and tracking email campaigns.

    What is an email list

      Compared to simple messaging, email marketing services allow you to organize different informational interactions with internet users. The most famous example of this interaction is email lists. An email list is a named list of subscribers’ mailing addresses made to promote mass mailing of letters, usually corresponding to a certain subject. The email list name is a virtual collective of mailing addresses: messages directed to these addresses are delivered to all members. Internet users have the opportunity to join the mailing list they are interested in (subscribing). After registration of the subscription email list, the user will receive materials […]

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