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    Why People Choose Atomic Email Marketing Software?

    by Paul Shuteyev

    Email Marketing Software Company

    Why hundreds of thousands of marketers and business owners choose Atomic Email Marketing Software?
    No matter how good your email marketing campaign is in terms of content, no matter how big your mailing list is, if you do not have the proper tool to distribute it and then check the results, all of your hard work will be in vain (Unfortunatelly...). Atomic Email marketing software is designed to make this final step easier and more beneficial. And we mean - really increase ROI and profit. There are a large number of companies currently offering different email marketing solutions. What we are working on now is integrating Atomic Email Marketing Software in your current CRM system; And here comes the best news - we are working on our next generation CRM system, with integrated email marketing tools and some secret features that will make a revolution in CRM market. Our email software can help you distribute your emails,  reach your clients and subscribers and in the same time provide comprehensive statistics and research facilities. When choosing email marketing software, our clients keep in mind the following: Integrated or stand alone; online or offline As mentioned some email marketing software can be integrated in your current CRM software. This might be more expensive however, depending on your needs, may be the best solution for you. Some email marketing tools are online, meaning you can manage your campaigns and check the statistics on another site, while there are programs that need to be installed on your computer. We provide what best fits your needs - stand alone or online services, integrated or not. Tip to help you to choose - Think in advance what the best solution for your business is by taking into account how many people will use it. The features of the Atomic email marketing software Decent email marketing software should have tools that: * Allow easy management of your subscriber lists; * Allow distribution of targeted emails i.e. you should be able to easily create different group of subscribers and post messages to each group; * Provide easy subscription/un-subscription management; * Accepts many database and list formats, allow importing, exporting and crawling. * Provide sophisticated statistics showing the number of the emails sent, the number of the emails opened, link tracking and percentage information about various ratios such as the ration between the people who opened the email and those who received it, the people who received it and who unsubscribed, the people who opened it and those who clicked on a link or made a purchase, etc... *Generate easy-to-understand reports and researches. Our email marketing software has a number of automatically generated reports. While this is not a vital part, it is a tool that will ease your workload a lot.
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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