7 Easy Ways to Have More Testimonials from Your Customers

    by Paul Shuteyev
    Thank YouHey guys, Hope you're doing great! We all know how testimonials are important and how they help us to improve our businesses. Real live testimonials is a real treasure for online business owners as there is hundred of ways to use testimonials in your advertising and promotional campaigns. I would like to share with you 7 ways to have more testimonials from your clients and leads. Let's start! 1. Have a great product Sounds a bit lame, but that's the first and the most important tip. Your product must be worth making a testimonial about. 2. Offer free beta-tests Beta-tests is a great chance to engage current customers and leads. When you offer a beta-test you kill two birds with one stone - you show your respect to customers and leads, you show you care about them and value their opinion, and you also have free testers that will help you in preparing a great product. 3. Offer easy-2-use feedback options You can't receive a testimonial if it's hard to find for the customer where to leave it. Offer different feedback channels, such as social media pages, surveys, comments, guest blogs, etc. 4. Offer bonuses That's one of the best methods to get a lot of positive testimonials. Offer a bonus or an extra discount in exchange for a testimonial. People love freebies and we are all ready to share our opinion if we are promised a cookie :) 5. Offer custom customer-engagement channels. The more engagement and feedback channels you have the more feedback you can expect. Do not forget about local online stores, product-forums, niche message boards, etc. Try to increase your online presence and you will have so much additional data and testimonials to analyze and use. 6. Games, prizes and contests! This is similar to bonuses and different rewards, with the additional rule - this should be funnier and more interesting. Think of some games or contest you can run to get testimonials. Sure you need to have a good prize or a reward - this can be a big discount, exclusive content, etc. 7. Make it stress-free Sometimes it's a stress for a customer to share his opinion. Make it easier and offer more options to leave a testimonial with - this can be a quote, a video, a song, or maybe even a poetry!
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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