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    4 Tips for a Perfect Email Headline

    by Paul Shuteyev
    email-headline-tipsHey guys, Hope you're doing great! Subject line catches attention a lot, so does an email headline. These two pieces of text are your chance to catch subscriber's attention. I used to write much about subject line techniques but never did it for a headline. This time I will walk you through the creation of a perfect email headline. Let's start! 1. Open your mind. Forget about styles and details - first off, you should write down as many ideas as you can. No matter if they sound stupid to you - you need a list to choose from, to try your variations. 2. Make the chosen idea better. When you have chosen an idea, a variation, spend some time on writing it down again in different styles, using different words. This is how you can even improve the best idea you have. Probably you can prepare few variations of an email headline for different segments of your email list (if you implement list segmentation). 3. Speak like your subscribers speak. Make sure all of the subscriber will get your headline. Try to replace old-school words with ones specialists use nowadays. Show your headline to all of your colleagues or friends and ask them what they expect from a mailing with such headline. 4. Test. As you know testing is the end and the new beginning, so don't hesitate to test your email headlines and subject lines with styles and catchy-words. Wish you a successful email marketing campaigns! Remember, it's always easier to edit your mailings by using a mass email software.
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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