12 Questions That Will Help You to Improve Your Email Campaigns

    by Paul Shuteyev
    12 ballHey guys, Hope you're doing great! The sky is the limit when it comes to email campaign improvement. Also, sometimes it's hard to determine what to start with. That's why I would like to provide you with a list of 12 questions that you may ask yourself about your email campaigns - this will make it easier to develop and improve your email campaigns. Let's start! 1. Do you send out email just because you need to or it's scheduled or because it's a good time and place for your current mailing? 2. Do you know why you send emails out? When did you reviewed your strategy? What are another ways to use emails? 3. Is your email marketing budget based on how much you want (or do not want) to spend or on how much you want to make? 4. What do inactive subscribers mean to you? How do you determine inactive subscribers? Have you searched for standard triggers or time frames that turn subscribers into inactive ones? DO you run re-activation campaigns for inactive subscribers? 5. Do you reward active and loyal subscribers? 6. Do you care about respect from internet service providers and email service providers you use? 7. Why don't test more? Are you afraid of temporary changes that will probably make things worse? 8. Do you run your email campaigns as good as you can or you act like the most of the market? 9. Do you follow statistics you get? Do you try to get advanced statistics from the data you have? 10. Why are you satisfied or not satisfied with the rates (open, click-through, etc) you have? What are you doing about those who don't open or click your emails? 11. Do you communicate with your subscribers? Are you afraid of what you might hear from them? Do you value feedback? 12. Do you think emails you send are the best you can create? P.S. You can print this list out and check it step by step as you improve your email campaign.
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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