5 Easy Tips on Engaging Your Email Subscribers

    by Paul Shuteyev
    interested-cat-interestHey  guys, Hope you're doing great! As we all know large companies have marketing departments that are capable of boosting all marketing activities, including an email marketing. This article is for small and medium businesses that can't afford a separate department but still want to dominate email marketing. If you're among them, then these 5 tips on subscriber engagement are right for you. These tips are good to start with if you plan to develop your email campaigns and make your corporate style better. Let's start! 1. Have a subscription form on every page. Some websites have subscription forms on main page only, and that's really sad. If your main traffic source is search engines then more than a half of all hits are driven to secondary pages. Just imagine how many subscriptions you lost. That's why it's good to have a subscription form built in a header or in a left/right sidebar - these parts of the website are shown on each and every page. 2. Subject line style. Yeah, you should "design" your subject line so it looks familiar to your recipients. Think of a unique style that can be used for all your mailings. You should include your name or company's name or website name and then add the message to the subject line. It could be a custom word or something else you add to your subject line. Here are few examples:
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    3. Unique design. Corporate style remains corporate style and to make it stable you should create a custom and unique template for all your emails. This will make easier for subscribers to recognize you and to pay more attention to your mailings. Make sure your template is designed in corporate colors and forms. It's also good to use some design elements from your website - for example, a header, footer, sidebar, menu. etc. 4. Schedule. Timing is extremely important part of email marketing and it's good to analyze your open rates and click-throughs to determine what is the best day and time to send your emails. This will make your subscribers wait for another dose from you. If you follow scheduling technique then don't brake your "promise" and deliver on time. 5. Offer more subscriptions. Always provide your subscribers with few subscription options - some people are more active in social networks rather than on email, some prefer to receive RSS-updates. That's why it's so important to increase your presence and offer subscription variations. You can simply add social widgets to your email that will lead to your fan pages, groups and channels. Tips 2-5 can be easily achieved by using email marketing software.
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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