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    Email Marketing

    Why Email Marketing is Still Rocking? Now You Will Know Why! (Infographic)

    Hey guys, Hope you’re doing great! Many of specialists and research-guys discuss the future of email marketing, but I always believed that this marketing channel is still live’n’kicking and the only future for email marketing is the bigger market and success. This Infographic below shows email-marketing-related statistics from different research groups. I guess this is the best way to be sure email marketing will have a long and shiny road ahead. Please enjoy!

    How to Create Holiday-Ready Email Campaigns

    Hey guys, Hope you’re doing great! I like this time of the year, right after the Halloween – we are all waiting for Christmas, then New Year’s evening, and up to St. Valentine’s Day. This is the best time to make your email campaigns even better and boost your conversions and sales. I would like to provide you with few tips on how to create holiday-ready email campaigns and get the maximum output of them. Let’s start! 1. Add Value! It’s always important to know what to offer. Review your previous campaigns and offers, this time you need something special, […]

    Smartphone and Mobile Statistics 2012 – Time to Make Emails and Ads Mobile-Friendly!

    Hey guys, Hope you’re doing great! I was always saying that it’s really important to make emails and ads, and all the campaigns in common, mobile-friendly. I’ve even shown you some statistics, but this time it’s really enough with few fresh digits. Please see the mobile statistics 2012 below!

    4 Modern Email Marketing Tips – Don’t Act a Fool

    Hey guys, Hope you’re doing great! Online marketing is developing at a speed o light, and email marketing is one of the leaders here. We all know how social media and different mobile devices effected email marketing methods, but many of email marketers still make some mistakes. I would like to provide you with 4 modern email marketing tips so your business stays up to date. Let’s start! 1. Tapping. No, I’m not talking about guitar playing techniques this time (though I would love to). Touchscreens changed our life, changed the way we interact with devices and information. If you […]

    5 Tips on Mobile Email Optimization

    Hey Guys, Hope you’re doing great! We all know that most of emails sent are opened on mobile devices, and smartphones are still the biggest part of all mobile devices. Don’t forget that smartphone is “just” a phone and you need to keep this in mind when you prepare and send your emails. I’ve compiled 5 tips on how to optimize email campaigns for mobile devices. Please enjoy! KISS! Keep It Simple, Stupid. This means you should make subject lines short, easy-to-understand and interesting. Test it a lot. Never stop testing new mobile platforms and browsers. You need to be […]

    Mobile Email Opens – Statistics 2012

    Hey guys, Hope you’re doing great! I have another dose of nice statistics, this time on mobile email opens and more. What you will learn from these statistics: iPhones and iPads dominate in mobile email opens Mobile email opens, Consumer Services: 42.17% Mobile email opens, Financial Services: 40.13% Mobile email opens, Cable and Telecom: 35.85 Mobile email opens, Retail: 35.56% No more spoilers – Statistics below!

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