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    Email Marketing

    What is an email list

      Compared to simple messaging, email marketing services allow you to organize different informational interactions with internet users. The most famous example of this interaction is email lists. An email list is a named list of subscribers’ mailing addresses made to promote mass mailing of letters, usually corresponding to a certain subject. The email list name is a virtual collective of mailing addresses: messages directed to these addresses are delivered to all members. Internet users have the opportunity to join the mailing list they are interested in (subscribing). After registration of the subscription email list, the user will receive materials […]

    What is sender’s reputation and how to save it

      You’ve spent time building a targeted mailing list. Your creative team writes great email newsletters. But there is a problem with the deliverability of your email. The reason can be in an invalid contact database. That’s why you have to improve your email lists management. When you send out an email campaign, the mailbox providers run an initial set of validation checks. This is called an email reputation check. What factors determine the reputation of the sender   And they are a bit like email credit checks, which are influenced by: Domain or IP blacklisted; Frequency of bulk mailings; […]

    How to Collect Email Addresses of all Your Facebook Friends in 10 Seconds

    Read this article to find out the ways of how to find extract email addresses from Facebook. You will learn some easy and fast methods. How to export contacts from Facebook friends’ list. How to find email addresses of your target audience from Facebook with the help of special software.

    How to warm up the domain before mass mailing

      In the case you use a new domain where no mailings have been ever launched previously, or a domain that has not been used for a long time, you need to warm it up. The truth is that when you start sending email campaigns with a new domain or new IP addresses, email services consider you to be an untrustworthy sender. That’s why you need to warm up email domain to improve your reputation and avoid getting into spam. What’s warming up email domain   Warming up email domain means a gradual (within 4-6 weeks) increase in the power […]

    How Covid19 has changed email marketing

    COVID-19 has greatly affected the world of business. It caused a huge wave of digitalization among offline enterprises, and additionally emphasized the need for improvements in communication among the digital ones. The life of every company & customers during the pandemic underwent certain necessary changes like employees switching to remote work, working more productively from their homes, turning to website-based purchases only, changing CRMs or the whole marketing models, etc. Many enterprises tried it online and realized that it suits almost every segment. Global traffic to e-commerce sites grew by almost 12% from January to March, 2020. They also started […]

    How to write cold outreach email

    To change the idea of making up cold call emails to the better, it is important to discover in detail how to write such emails for outreach campaigns and raise not only your open rate, but also improve your replay rate statistics. Let’s begin. What’s outreach emails? Cold email marketing is the process of getting in touch with people via letters. In content marketing, the goal is basically to promote an offer or a piece of content, to request a back link, or to attempt to start a partnership/collaboration with a chosen influencer. The fact is that even if you […]

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