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    Extracting Emails from News Groups – Hard-2-Find Email Address Collections

    by Paul Shuteyev

    Extracting Emails

    Hey guys, Hope you are doing really well! I would like to discuss email harvesting topic. On the one hand, as we all know there are hundreds of websites we can crawl emails from, on the other hand - email addresses from such places were already used by each and every email marketer who crawled them before you, so such lists will have bad open-rate and click-through rate. This is why we should always search for additional sources to extract leads from. As for me, News Groups - is the best place to search for emails. There are thousands of them, all on different topics. Emails are real, also it is possible to extract names and surnames along with the emails. Here is a video that shows how you can get loads of leads in a matter of minutes. Also check this video for additional details on harvesting emails from News Groups.
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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