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    Top 3 Email Marketing Trends for 2012 – Relevancy, Triggered Emails and Personalization 2.0

    by Paul Shuteyev
    3-threeHey guys, Hope you're doing great and started this year like a boss! :) Time to get back to email campaigns and see how year 2012 is going to change rules of email marketing and make it look experienced, not older! Today I would like to describe Top 3 Email Marketing Trends for 2012 - no more random mailings, new personalization style and Email Service Provider relevancy. 1. Relevancy. Email Service Providers are the bosses of email marketing - we should play by their rules, as no email may be delivered without their consent. Spam filter and email blocking algorithms becomes more and more modern and now it's time when emails don't have to be marked as Spam to disappear from the inbox or go to Trash directly. That's why it's so important to run ethical email campaigns - ask subscriber to add you to the whitelist, ask them to allow images, and more. Yes, this is going to affect your email lists, but they will convert way better. 2. Triggered Emails. Triggered emails are one of the most converted ones. And you know why? Because people wait them, or even if they do not - they expect them. And open them. And then click. Triggered emails works better than just weekly mailings. You should use them in 2012 for sure. Don't know when to use them? Here are few examples: *When someone has registered to your service *When someone has a birthday *When someone has updated a shopping cart *Thank-you emails, etc. 3. Personalization 2.0. It's not enough with knowing subscriber's name and surname this time. You should pay more attention to getting more data about your subscribers - this is how you can split your lists into smaller ones by subscribers' interests, choices, birthday months (to offer them special prices), and many more. You will be shocked how your conversions boost.
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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