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    Why & How to Use Laconic and Short Email Messages

    by Paul Shuteyev
    little-keyboardHey guys, Hope you're doing great! Sorry for no posts during the last week, I had a vacation. Now I feel full of bright thoughts and energy, and I would like to continue our email marketing conversations. Today I would like to talk about short and laconic emails. As you know more and more email marketing specialists advise using short, laconic and focused email messages instead of large ones. That's a good point, I guess. I always like the emails that are short and easy to understand and take action. Email messages are sent to return in actions and traffic, so the only thing you need is the action from a recipient. Would you read, not even act, a large email full of text? I wouldn't! Let's see 3 main rules of a short and laconic email message that will convert much better. 1. Single topic - single action. Choose a topic and stick to it, each and every email should be about the single topic only. Whether you want your recipient to reply, purchase, register or visit your offer's landing page, your email should make that single request only. 2. Second paragraph. I really like the "rule" of the second paragraph. It says that the best place for your call-to-action is the second paragraph. The first on is used catch the recipient's attention and making him care, and the second paragraph is used for call-to-action. But remember, we're talking about short and focused emails, so more that 4-5 paragraphs is a bad idea. 3. Be friendly, talk friendly. Even large corporations and market giants talk to their email recipients like to friends, and you should to. Be friendly and talk to your subscribers like to friends. Until you're not a NASA, NBA or a Bank of Whatever contacting serious guys, there is no need of serious tone. Don't also make your emails sound too personal :) Try using our bulk mailer software to create a perfect email message and send it out to your recipients!
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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