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    10 Benefits of doing online survey on your website

    by Wpeca

    Online survey

    Considering how experts have been emphasizing upon the importance of adequate market research, you would not mind pulling it off, regardless of the time and effort it consumes, right? After all, this is one such aspect that can surely take your business to heights.

    Knowing and understanding your target audience holds utmost importance today. Not just it lets you have an insight into what your audience requires, but also clears out whether or not your customers like what you have to offer.

    Statistics survey form

    Although there are several considerable ways to conduct market research, online surveys on the website are gaining immense recognition these days. Over the past few years, the way websites are being used for this task has transformed tremendously.

    Today, even if you are a novice, you wouldn’t require an expert by your side for this process. On the contrary, WordPress survey plugins like SurveyFunnel are there to help you out with ease. One such plugin is SurveyFunnel, which is integrated with every essential feature you would need to conduct an online survey.

    So, for those who still have the least idea about how advantageous this process can be, here are top 10 benefits that will clear the picture.

    1. Online Survey Cost: Pay Less

    When you think of doing this in a traditional way, like in-person, mail, or telephone, you surely would have to spend thousands of rupees only on one survey. And, you might not even have a guarantee of successful results whatsoever.

    On the other hand, online survey when conducted on a website doesn’t come with a huge expense. All you would need is an appropriate WordPress survey plugin, and the process can be executed in no time.

    In this way, neither you would have to bear a hole in your pocket, nor you would have to let go of the opportunity of knowing your audience closely.

    2. Online Surveys are Faster

    Survey formThe Internet is an entirely different world in itself. And, here people are always in a hurry. The time span for them is quite limited, and they would not generally spend multiple hours at a stretch on one single thing.

    Owing to this, when you conduct surveys online, it does not just help your audience cut the crap out and be straightforward but also lets you save a lot of time. In oppose to the traditional method, online website surveys are quick and even produce faster results.

    Since you are using tools here, the information can be gathered in an automatic way. And then, the response rate is instant as well. If promoted properly, you can get the majority of response rates within an initial couple of days.

    3. Higher Accuracy of Online Polls

    To put it in simple words, human errors can be a drastic failure to the entire survey. Even a meek wrong data entry can impact the overall result of the survey. And, you surely wouldn’t want your efforts to go in vain just like that, isn’t it?

    So, apart from saving you huge bucks and a considerable amount of time, online surveys even boast about the accuracy that they provide. By conducting a survey online, you can surely decrease the chances of mistakes.

    Considering the way responses are accepted and stored, you can ensure smooth sailing from the beginning till the very end. Moreover, streamlining the data even becomes easier for you. And, in the end, you can gain nothing but accurate results.

    4. Analyzing the Survey Results: Faster Data Analysis

    One of the significant benefits that you can obtain from a WordPress survey plugin is the quick analyzation of the received data.

    Marketing surveyEven if you think of conducting a survey online, not just you would require a team to store the response but assess it as well, which revolves around nothing but heavy pockets and required resources.

    On the other hand, when executed online, the evaluation task becomes a cakewalk. Not just you have the freedom to analyse the result whenever you want, but you can even do that in varied methods.

    Be it a table or a graph, with a WordPress plugin you can procure effective insights and can understand how your website visitors are replying to the survey. Whether it is a hit or a not can be judged in just a few minutes.

    5. Easy for Both the Parties

    Everybody wants everything to be an easy job. While you may strive to make the survey process easy for yourself, your visitors would want to submit their responses without any hassles. And, keeping the time crunch in mind, nobody would like to reply to emails or talk over the phone for hours. On top of that, recording such responses would not be any less than a headache for you.

    People have access to the internet almost all the time. Hence, they can choose the preferable hour to respond to your survey. They would not have to put a halt on whatever they are doing just to give you the required feedback.

    Further, organizing the online survey would be ease on your part as well. If you have your questionnaire in place, all you would have to do is post it on your website and make it reachable to your visitors. And, it’s done.

    6. Design Online Survey: Customization Can Be Done

    Regardless of what you are doing on your website, customization is one such thing you should never let go off. After all, you wouldn’t want any element to stand out and that too, in a weird way, right? Each and every element on your website should have relevancy with the theme of the site.

    When it’s online, you have no restrictions of any kind. You can design the survey as per your style and your brand. You can even alter the color scheme and customize the layout of the survey. If you want, adding the company logo wouldn’t be any tough either.

    So, basically, alteration and customization can help you achieve a lot of goals and attract a wide range of audience. If you can manage to create something unique, you ought to get amazing results out of this.

    7. You Can Be Selective

    An online survey lets you be more selective in terms of the target audience. You can simply choose who can view or respond to your survey. If a certain group of the audience doesn’t match your target profile, you don’t have to entertain their responses if you don’t want to.
    In this way, targeting a specific group of people and addressing issues and doubts that they have regarding your products or services become easy. This entire process will even allow you to reach thousands of people within a span of some time. It will surely help you improve your services towards those who matter to your brand.

    8. Flexibility Can Be Achieved

    Forms for Marketing survey on blogAlthough you are conducting a survey to have visitors’ response, however, the truth is, not everyone would like to answer every single question, right? So, if you aren’t making all the questions ‘important’ or ‘required,’ your visitors will be able to skip whatever they don’t feel comfortable answering.

    So, the entire process gives them the flexibility to use the survey as per their own preference. To make it a tailored experience for your visitors and not make it any awkward for them, it would be recommended not to keep every field as ‘required.’

    9. No Interviewer to Influence

    There are people who are extrovert in their responses, while there are some who still feel shy in putting their responses forth, even if it is for good. For the latter people, dealing with an interviewer or a person asking a lot of questions can be a bit problematic.

    What if they won’t answer properly? If so, you might end up losing precious feedback. In such a scenario, going anonymous would be the best idea, isn’t it? Although your visitors would know to whom they are responding but there wouldn’t any direct human communication.

    It will even encourage them to disclose their personal experience or information. Your visitors wouldn’t be under any pressure, and it will be a win-win situation for both.

    10. Easy Coverage of Essential Topics

    Although conducting an online survey on your website through a WordPress survey plugin doesn’t require to have specific knowledge, you can still cover the aspects that seem to be extra essential to you and your brand.

    Not just you can ask as many questions as you want but can even make them in a format that has higher chances of attracting people. Whether you want it to be a multiple-choice questions format or a one-word answer type, in every way, you can gain efficient and easy responses.


    Although a lot of people would be dealing with an uncertain dilemma when it comes to organizing an online survey, however, the advantages that this process has to offer cannot be overlooked. So, if you haven’t tried surveying your website yet, now is the time to experiment and put something different in front of your visitors. And, who knows, you may even get unexpected results, good for your brand.

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