8 Types of Emails that Should be Dumped From Your Email List

    by Paul Shuteyev

    Email list is the real and only treasure in every email marketer’s life, as the good email list is the only thing such specialists need. This is why it’s so important to keep your list clean, updated and of high quality. To achieve these standards you need to manage your email list the right way. I want to show you 8 different types of email accounts you should remove from list. The sooner you clean your database, the faster you will get better results for your email campaigns!

    Email address types to delete from the list

    If you want your email lists to be clean scrub addresses of such kinds:Fake email addresses

    • Bounced email addresses. Bounces indicate that something is wrong with the email, for example, it’s invalid. This is one of the alerts for the spam filters. So, it’s necessary to test email address for a bounce before including it to your contact list.
    • Malformed email addresses. You need to search your email list for emails with typos in top-level domains, emails with no @ symbol, etc. Depending on the mailing list size there are two solutions – delete them or fix manually.
    • Fake email addresses.  Created by fake email generators they have random digits (usually more than 4 in a row) and random letters that make no sense as words. It’s common when you collect emails with the help of parsers. Sometimes bots post a URL in an email field, so, you have to search your email list for URLs too.
    • Inactive email addresses. These are email addresses that receive your messages but never open them. It means they haven’t been updated for a while. Email lists decline by 20–30% every year, so, make sure that you delete all outdated addresses. Sending newsletters to such emails is harmful for the reputation of your domain. So, try to reactivate them, and if it’s unsuccessful then remove such addresses.
    • Service email addresses. There is no sense in sending newsletters to emails like support@company.com or team@company.com. This won’t bring you any profit. Vice versa, your mailing can be concerned to be spam because they won’t be open, and the risk to be blocked by a provider will enhance.
    • Addresses of people who have unsubscribed from your mailing. If you continue sending emails to them they will complain of spam. In order to save the reputation of your domain and further campaigns put the unsubscription link into your messages and remove the addresses of people who have refused to keep on receiving emails from you automatically.
    • Duplicates. These are emails that repeat in your list. Sending emails to repeated addresses ruin your statistics.
    • Spam traps. Created especially for struggling against spammers they are never subscribed to any mailings, but you can get such addresses to your list while using email extractors. And if you send messages to them you will be identified by providers and blocked because of spam.

    I know how hard it is to clean your email list, but it’s good to remember that quality matters, not size.


    Download Email Verification Software and scrub email list free


    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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