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    Email Marketing Forecast for 2012-2016 (Infographic included)

    by Paul Shuteyev
    Email marketing is still in progress. According to Forrester Research investigations the total money spending on email marketing will be equal to 63% of the budget, and The Radicati Group, Inc. confirms that almost half of worldwide email users will be in the Asia Pacific region, the home to China and India, two of the largest Internet populations. During the next four years, the number of corporate email accounts will increase at a faster rate than consumer email accounts, as organizations continue to extend email services to employees who may not have had access to email in the past. Consequently most of the world’s email traffic is represented by a business mailing and mass email campaigns. In 2012, it is 89 billion email messages a day, and within the end of the 2016 the traffic will increase up to 143 billion. Especially active expanding is predicted to mobile technologies, especially to a mobile email market. Growth within this market will be associated with the popularity of smartphones and the opportunity of a quick and ubiquitous access to emails. But the email marketing progress is not the same as spam progress. Anti-spam technology will become more sophisticated and smart. In general, the amount of spam we receive will remain at today's level - about 15% of e-mails received. Check out to the infographics presented below (click on the image to enlarge) and find more about email marketing forecast for 2012-2016.


    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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