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    TOP 3 Reasons Why Stand-Alone Autoresponder Software is Better than Web-Based Services

    by Paul Shuteyev

    TOP 3Hey guys,

    Hope you're doing really great! Today I want to discuss why stand-alone autoresponder software is better than a web-based autoresponder services. I will try to keep it short, so here are 3 little but important reasons why autoresponder software is better than autoresponder web service.

    1.) Email Campaign Limits - In most times you are restricted in quantity of Email Campaigns. In example you run few campaigns, and then you need to launch few more, but the maximum number of email campaigns allowed by your autoresponder provider is limited to 5. Sounds bad, huh? You can chose now - delete your previous campaigns to have enough "space" for new ones, or pay more for expanding your account.

    2.) Subscriber Limits - Subscriber quantity is limited. All the same as with campaign quantity. Only the main distinction - you will not delete subscribers to gain new ones, so the only way out - expand your account, pay more money.

    3.) Pay and stay. Let's face the scariest scenario for each and every email marketer. If you chose to change your autoresponder provider - you can't take your email list with you! Due to the spam laws, most autoresponder services are very strict about importing your leads from other services. So you see it's Money or Subscribers question - overpay and work till you hit your next limit, or change your service and lose your subscribers.

    The Hint is - switch to the stand-alone email autoresponder before it's too late. :)

    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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