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    SMS marketing forecast 2012-2016 (Infographics included)

    by Paul Shuteyev
    SMS message and SMS marketing progress is on the topic of interest for today. There are a lot of talks over the "death" and ineffectiveness of mobile marketing. Infonetics Research says that, despite the growth of the mobile Internet, SMS will remain a priority and popular communication mode for the next 4 years, for both personal and commercial use. And accordingly, SMS marketing will continue to take a leadership position, surpassing even the IM (Instant Messages). According to Forrester Research, Inc. the advertisers will spend more than $ 8 billion on mobile marketing in 2016, up 38% over current spending, and the total revenue for SMS providers for the period of 2012-2016 will reach $ 1 trillion. The number of mobile subscribers is expected to increase during the next 4 years - from 6 billion to 7 billion. The popularity and active spreading of smartphones will contribute the increasing of users who can access the Internet from their mobile devices. The high progress is predicted for online messengers and instant messaging via mobile Internet. Read more information on the SMS marketing forecast for the years 2012-2016 in the infographics below (click the image to enlarge).

    SMS marketing statistics Infographics

    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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