Top 4 Mailing Types You Should Contact Your Subscribers With in 2011

    by Paul Shuteyev
    4-fourGreetings guys, Hope you're doing well! Summer is up, sun is shining, and so should your email campaigns, really. Today I would like to provide you with the top 4 mailing types you should include in your email campaigns in 2011. Combining these types will let you to boost your conversion rates and satisfy your subscribers (yes, you will not bother your subscribers any more - you will satisfy them with useful information and make sales simultaneously). Let's start! I will keep the tips and the whole top short, making it easy-2-follow. Here are Top 4 mailing types you should contact your subscribers with in 2011: 1.*Facebook mailings*. Facebook is one of the greatest free email tools of 2010-2011 which allows you to contact your fans and members and provide 100% delivery rate and extremely high open rates. Your mailings will be shown as a personal message, that's why open-rates are so high. Also you aren't restricted in putting as much links as you want - no spam filters, no bad emails. Perfect... All your Fans and Group members automatically transform into a subscribers and leads. 2. Up-Sell vs. Down-Sell mailings. Subscribers are real people, and this means they want to trust you as you trust your friends or family. And here comes the technique - after the first sale or free-trial lead, contact your subscriber with an Up-Sell mailing containing an offer to upgrade to a better version, buy few more features or purchase the additional modules. This should be implemented only after a sale or free trial lead. Down-Sell mailing is a personalized message containing an offer to purchase a discounted product or a light-version, and this should be used only if there's no reason for an Up-Sell mailing. 3. Alerts, Reminders and News. Each and every corporate event should be announced to your subscribers - this will let them feel important. Always use personalized messages for this type of mailings. I.e. contact your subscribers or leads with the information on product or service update, or with the announcement about your new page in a social network which was created for a separate product or service. 4. Useful and Informative content. This is the type that's most liked by all subscribers - I'm talking about free reports, case studies, testimonials and all the other useful materials. This type of message should be personalized too and it's best to run such mailings once a week or once a month. Your subscribers will be waiting for your next mailing, so don't make them wait. It's easy to build business-2-client relationships by implementing such technique.
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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