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    Top 3 Values Your Email Marketing Campaigns Should Consist Of

    by Paul Shuteyev
    emailEach and every of your emails sent to your recipients should grab their attention, keep them updated and make them act (subscribe, buy, pre-order, etc.). Only valuable information can accomplish such goals and transform your subscribers into customers. This is what I want to talk about today - what are the TOP 3 values of the perfect email marketing campaign. Please see them below, I will try keeping them short to make it easier to follow and remember.
    • Monetary value. You should try include free coupons, discounts, special codes, etc, in your mailings. Remember the rule - saving money equals earning money, so let your subscribers to earn a little and they will love you.
    • Informational value. Make the information you include in your mailings as useful as possible. Write about the tips and tricks that can be implemented using your product, don't just write about your product, try explaining niches customers can use your product in, discuss techniques, etc.
    • Opportunity value. Make your subscribers feel special - give them something custom, that not everyone can get: special preview of your product, some contests for subscribers only. Give them something special, make them feel special and they will love you.
    Written by:
    Paul Shuteyev
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