500+ Spam Words that Could Send Your Mail List into Spam

    by Ira Byvalkevich


    23% of spam complaints are caused by email content according to AccuWeb research. Every fourth message is intercepted by spam filters, and thus, is not read by recipients, killing your reputation because of the spam words included.


    No wonder, email deliverability is based on domain reputation, email content, and content relevance. This way, the words you use directly affect your mailing results. So, let’s consider how to get rid of spam words to reduce spam complaints and increase the deliverability of your emails in your next email campaigns.


    What are Spam words?


    It is important for mail services (Gmail, Outlook, etc.) to deprive their users of receiving spam. To protect them, they have created spam filters - special algorithms that analyze emails and decide whether it is spam or not.


    In the email marketing crowd, these words and phrases are called stop words.


    Spam or Stop words are words that should be avoided when sending emails, otherwise, your emails will end up in spam and the sender's reputation will be suspended by the spam filters. Spam filters may check a great variety of emails every day. They store the data on which words and phrases spammers use most often in their mailings. When the spam filter detects these words in the mailing list, it automatically marks the message as spam.


    Even a trusted sender may get into spam if uses too many stop words without being aware of them to be such. These words & phrases look harmless enough but can play a bad joke on the deliverability of your mailing list and spoil your reputation.


    The list of Spam words to avoid in emails


    Here’s the list of the most common words you may come across when preparing mailing in alphabetical order for your convenience


    A-B C-D E-F
    G – H I – J L – M
    N – O P – Q R – S
    T – U V – W X – Y – Z




    A - B

    A B
    Accept credit cards Benefits
    Access now Best price
    Access for free Best offer
    Advertising Bonus
    Affordable Boss
    Act Now Brand new
    All-new Bulk email
    Amazed Buy
    Amazing Buy now
    Amazing offer Buy direct




    C - D

    C D
    Call free Deal
    Call me Direct marketing
    Call now Discount
    Cancellation required Do it now
    Cash Do it today
    Cash out Don’t delete
    Cash bonus Double your
    Click Double your cash
    Click below  
    Click here  
    Click to get  
    Compare rates  
    Compete for your business  




    E - F

    E F
    Earn Freelance
    Earn $ Free
    Earn extra cash Free access
    Earn money Free bonus
    Earn monthly Fantastic offer
    Earn from home Fast cash
    Email extractor For just $xxx
    Email harvest For Only
    Email marketing For you
    Exclusive deal Free quote
    Expire Free sample
      Free trial
      Free website




    G - H

    G H
    Get Hello
    Get it now Here
    Get out of debt Hidden
    Get paid Hidden charges
    Get started now Hidden fees
    Gift certificate High score
    Give it away Home
    Giving away Home based
    Guarantee Home based business
    Guaranteed Huge discount
      Hurry up




    I - J

    I J
    Important information Join millions
    Income Join us
    Income from home Junk
    Increase sales  
    Increase traffic  
    Instant earnings  
    Instant income  
    Internet market  
    Internet marketing  




    L - M

    L M
    Leave Make $
    Legal Make money
    Life Marketing
    Life Insurance Marketing solutions
    Lifetime Mass email
    Lifetime access Million,
    Limited number Money
    Limited offer Money back
    Limited supply Money making
    Lowest price Month trial offer
    Lowest rate  




    N - O

    N O
    New, Offshore
    Name brand Offer
    Never Offer expires
    Never before Once in lifetime
    New customers only Online job
    No investment Online income
    No hidden сosts Online marketing
    No hidden fees Online pharmacy
    No obligation Only
    No cost Opt in
    No credit check Order
    Not scam Order now
    Not spam Order shipped by
    Now Order status
    Now only Order today
    No payment required  
    No purchase necessary  




    P - Q

    P Q
    Per day (week, month) Quote
    Pennies a day  
    Price protection  
    Promise you  
    Pure profits  




    R - S

    R S
    Rates Success
    Real thing Special offer
    Refinance home Sale
    Refund Sample
    Removal Satisfaction
    Request now Satisfaction guaranteed
    Request today Save $
    Risk-free Save money
    Round the world Save money
      Save now
      Subscribe now
      Subscribe for free




    T - U

    T U
    Thousand, Urgent
    Take action Unlimited
    Take action now Unsecured credit
    Terms and conditions Unsecured debt
    The best rates Unsubscribe
    This isn’t junk Urgent
    This isn’t spam US dollars
    This won’t last  
    Time limited  




    V - W

    V W
    Viagra Work from home
    Vicodin Warranty expired
    VIP We hate spam
    Visit our website Win




    X - Y - Z

    X Y Z
    Xanax You are a winner! Zero chance
      You have been chosen Zero percent
      Your chance Zero risk
      Your income  
      Your status  




    Numerals & Symbols you should avoid in your mailings


    0% 100% 100% satisfied
    0% risk 100% more 4U
    777 #1 50% off
    99% $$$  
    99.9% 100% free    
    50% discount 777    


    Top Tips on How to Avoid Spam Filters


    Here’s a quick list for you to double-check your email content for spam words & other violations while preparing your next campaign:


      • Don’t include large attachments in your email campaign messages.


      • Do not write the entire text in capital letters and use standard fonts.


      • Don't be too wordy or watery.


      • Do not use many exclamation marks and other symbols in a row.


      • Write readable text.


      • Forget about the red, bold, highlighted text, underlines, blank lines and words with spaces, and repetitions.


      • Personalize your email headers & email subject lines, and make sure your personalization tags work properly.


      • Don’t use excessive HTML formatting.



      • Don't get encrypted. Please include the real name of the company and the valid email of the sender.


      • Check the relevance of the database. By sending emails to non-existent email addresses, the risk of getting into spam increases.


      • Check your domain’s reputation before the email campaign launch.


      • Check out your authentication settings: whether SPF & DKIM are registered for the domain.


      • Set up & support DMARC technology that specifies what to do with a message that has not passed SPF & checks of DKIM.


      • Do not neglect the individual settings for spam filters as users may manually set spam filters in their mailboxes.





    Working on improving your mailing content to avoid spam filters is a pain. It becomes more difficult because spam filters are improving based on readers’ behavioral patterns analysis and other complex algorithms. So, to formulate your proposals in such a way, that to guarantee deliverability to the recipients, study spam filters carefully, sort out your words, check the content to avoid unnecessary risk, etc.


    So, check out your e-mail newsletters for stop words regularly and especially carefully in headers (subject lines). These simple tips will help to achieve a positive result.


    Use the Atomic Mail Sender for thorough assistance!


    Check your email with Spam Assassin, a feature of Atomic Mail Sender, and your mailings never face the Spam folder.


    Try demo


    Written by:
    Ira Byvalkevich
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