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    Top 12 Email Marketing Tutorials That Really Help

    by Irina Podorvan
    12 tutorials

    Do you want to start your own business, but don't know how to make your email campaign successful? Or you have made email advertising but have no feedback. Don't worry! We have good news for you. Catch the moment and read the list of the most useful and important articles, that will help you.

    Are you ready? GO!

    What is newsletter marketing and why does it matter?

    Email Marketing – Cost-effective solution for Small Businesses


    This article gives you the answer to the most moving question: Why is email marketing cost-effective? Moreover, we open the door to the phenomena of email marketing popularity despite the fact, that it is one of the oldest marketing channels. Keep in might, you also will get the most effective methods for your email advertising.

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    3 Simple Ways To Make Money on Email Marketing

    email tutorial

    It is well-known that earning money goes hand in hand with being well-informed. If you have chosen email marketing as one of the channels to promote your brand among customers, but you should know how it works. After reading this article you will boost the sales with the help of our advice. Don`t say thank you.

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    The problems that you can face and their solutions

    The problem of image-based newsletters: Cool but Spammy

    create email

    It seems quite easy to make a bright image and feel self-respect because of having done the task, but do you think about the effectiveness of your newsletter. Read about all reefs that image-only newsletters have and the tips how don’t get into trouble with these risky steps.

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    Spam Filters and User: It’s time to get to know each other better

    spam filters

    Unfortunately, your email campaign may be trapped in the spam folder. It always annoys the users. From this article, you know what spam is, how spam filters work and what is the most pleasant is how to minimize the risk of being blocked by spam filters.

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    What is more profitable for mass mailing: software or web service?

    soft vs.service

    The choice of the most suitable option for mass mailing is always hard. This article gives you detailed information about these two variants and the differences between programs and SaaS. Be sure, after reading the article you will be ready to choose your own without any doubts.

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    The Open Rate Killers: 3 Email Marketing Mistakes You Should Strictly Avoid

    things to avoid Does your Open Rate low? Are you still on the fence about email marketing? Leave the doubts. Let’s look at it from another side. Having read this article you can understand the features of the Open Rate and get practical advice on how to improve and save the reputation of a good friend for your clients.

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    Why it’s Important to Keep your Mailing List Clean

    clean mailing list

    The mailing list is so important for all email marketers. Your email list is not only an opportunity for making money, but also it is a responsibility. You should care about your email database and keep it clean even if you don't want to delete your emails. In this article, you will read the reasons why you should keep your mailing list clean.

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    Tips on how to improve your email marketing campaign

    How to send bulk emails without getting blacklisted

    blacklisted email

    It's so unpleasant to be blacklisted, isn't it? Spam filters are getting more toughen and the risk being blacklisted is rising. But you can avoid it. Don`t know how? Read the article and be sure that your messages will be read.

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    How to create wow images for email newsletter

    create email

    Do you want to have a successful email campaign? I hope you know the secret of the bright images. Don`t waste your time searching the internet looking for the stock images or the tools of its creation. Find all the info on how to create the images that help your email campaign being read.

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    4 Tips on How to Add Background Images in Email Template

    email template

    We`ve told you about wow images, but it's not all. Sometimes you can face the problem with background images. Do you want to create a successful email campaign? Yes! Read the article quicker and create the best and most effective emails that will be definitely read.

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    How To Get Ideas For Your Email Marketing


    Is it possible to develop your creativity even if your ideas are running out? Our answer is “Yes!” Your duty to customers is to be innovative, up-to-date and give cutting-edge information. Even if you have no new ideas and feel helpless, don't despair. We have good news for you. From this article, you will know 3 ways on how to get creative ideas for your email marketing campaigns.

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    How to be extra productive when writing emails


    Being productive is extremely important for email marketers, but it's not so easy. Spending day after day, hour after hour reading and writing emails, you can lose the inspiration and your productivity will decrease.

    We know the secrets on how to be productive and are ready to share this information with you.

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    How to search for potential leads?

    potential leads

    Have no ideas on how to search for potential leads in a huge business environment? Our email marketing tutorial will also help with the leads search and generation, as well as the analysis of your work and the results of our marketing campaigns. Search for the most interesting articles below.

    7 Ways to Find Leads That You Are Ashamed Not to Know


    Lead generation is an integral element of your lead management & marketing success. In this article, you will find the best ways to find leads for your mailing base, including web scraping, and typical mistakes to avoid. Enjoy reading!

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    How to find emails: Best email scraping practices 2020

    email scraping practices

    Email scraping is a process of extracting email addresses online to cater to them later. And this is a great tool that enables you to search for new addresses to extend your base. With it, you may target the new email addresses and convert them into sales leads asap. Read about this in detail with us.

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    Bulk SMS for a Startup: How to Organize Business Promotion from Scratch

    How to Organize Business Promotion from Scratch

    Bulk SMS is a great way to promote your new business without solid investments and much trouble. Read on the top five reasons why business owners choose SMS messaging as one of the most effective promotion options available even to beginners. Start your first SMS campaign in no time with us.

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    Discover our email marketing video tutorial


    Finally, you may enjoy our video software reviews & tutorials for the ultimate understanding of the email marketing nuances and their practical use in your business area. Check out our latest updates on our official channel for professional marketing consulting.

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    Written by:
    Irina Podorvan
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