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    How to Write a Sales Message: 3 Important Tips

    by Miroslava Vavshko
    Sales writing tips

    Almost every business has launched a marketing campaign online or plans to do it. If you are here, you are probably among them.

    The key metric of e-marketing efforts is conversion. How to make clients do the target action: buy, leave contacts, download an app, etc? Use the power of words:

    sell like a pro with a proper sales message.

    Sales message is an advertisement that attracts the user's attention, arouses their interest and convinces that the company's offer is the most beneficial. Sales message increases audience loyalty and online sales.

    We collected some tips about how to write a promotion text correctly. So start learning to compose effective sales and marketing messages. It is a universal instruction for different marketing channels, as:

    Read, learn and use it to write a promotion that works!

    So how to compose a competitive marketing sales message?

    Draw attention

    The title or subject line is the first thing a reader sees, and it should catch the eye. A lot of content goes through users in the 21st century, and your message should stand out from the crowd.

    But how to become noticed? How to write message better? Add to your header something like:

    • intrigue;
    • joke;
    • question about the problem of your audience;
    • facts and so on.

    Here are some examples of a good sales message title:

    • "How to make your hair shiny in one procedure? We’ll tell you for free."
    • "What makeup do all the stars of American show business use?"
    • "Download the game, build your empire and conquer the disputed lands!"

    Congratulations! You get a credit of trust for one or two sentences.

    But it is necessary that the user read to the end. How to do it? Keep reading and find out!

    Write about benefits for a client, not about your product

    You need to answer the client’s question in the sales msg: “Why should I buy this?” among a huge variety of offers. The message should indicate the benefits of your product or service and the reason why a buyer needs it.

    Beginners write about the characteristics of the product. But they look from the seller’s point of view. Put yourself in the shoes of the customer instead in your sales messages. So you will understand what problems and pains he or she has and what benefits a customer can get from buying your product. Let potential clients think that you are reading their thoughts for a moment.

    Imagine that you sell goji berries. Which message attracts more people in your opinion?

    • Buy our tasty goji berries for weight loss.
    • Lose weight by 5 kg per month with the help of goji. No more gruelling diets and workouts. Just chew the delicious berries. I will refund your money if the product doesn’t help.

    The offer is the same, but the second option is more effective.

    Great sales message examples

    Be it an email, SMS or any other message made for sales, it must be great enough to hook your potential buyers. Let’s check some awesome examples to have a better idea of how to produce a sales message that drives leads:

    Sample 1

    Hey, Josh, thank you for shopping at OurStore! We’ve got tons of exciting details in our upcoming Spring Collection. Stay tuned or visit www.ourstore.com to learn more.

    Sample 2

    Hello, Liza, thanks for subscribing to USBrides. We’re eager to serve you better, pls reply to this msg with R for Red Dress, W for White, P for Purple.

    Sample 3

    Hi Dylan, your fav messaging partner now lets you instantly engage in social media leads! Tap here to get started.

    Sample 4

    Hey Nick, we’ve stocked our shelves with assorted chocolate cookies for you. Visit your local CookieU store. Hurry up! it’s a limited edition.

    Your marketing and promotional text message sales have to be crisp and concise. Make sure they are. Provide immediate value in your email. Find a way to provide some value upfront to our Prospect, even if it's just your expertise like here:


    Source: 30 Sales Prospecting Email Templates Guaranteed to Start a Relationship

    Ask for the sale

    But even if your marketing message and your product are perfect, it's hard for you to sell it without a call to action.

    Call to Action is an element that can be present in any advertising tool and can be a direct “push” to turn the user into a consumer.

    Those that ask for the sale and make it easy for the customer to say yes will always see a higher conversion rate than those who don’t.

    These are some call to action examples:

    • "Order before midnight tonight!"
    • "Supplies are limited, order today!"
    • "Click here to download your package."
    • "Visit our website at (your website here) and place your order now!"

    Your sales message needs a call to action to be effective, and you should make it as simple as possible to take advantage of the offer.

    Give your customers an easy way to make their purchase from the email or web page. People want to buy your product or service, and they’re just waiting to be asked, so make sure you do ask.

    The lesson is over. Time to use knowledge in practice. Don’t go far, start from small — cold email campaign pitch.

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    Spark the conversation by sending the bright newsletter to the unlimited number of recipients right now!

    Written by:
    Miroslava Vavshko
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